Population of spain 2013

Main population series since 1998

The degree of population aging depends on intrinsic demographic factors or extrinsic factors (habits and other characteristics of the population, access to social and health services, etc.). Some of the variables that may contribute to a greater degree of population aging are, for example, a lower birth rate, greater emigration of young and adult workers, a lower mortality rate among the elderly, greater longevity, an environment conducive to the above, or adequate access to and quality of social and health services, among others.

A more local geographic trend of this variation in the degree of aging, appreciable by interacting with the viewer map, appears from the large urban municipalities of provincial capitals and their vicinity (Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Valencia, Bilbao, Pamplona and Zaragoza, among others). In these cases, the urban municipality is aged (with values between 20 and 25% of older people, approximately), while the most immediate peripheral municipalities have younger populations (with a proportion of older people between 5 and 15-20%). Beyond this environment and outside the metropolitan area, if applicable, the degree of aging increases progressively with distance. Madrid is an example that illustrates this very well.

Population of Spain 2021

Among the decreases, the most significant in absolute terms was recorded by the services sector, with 163,000 fewer unemployed in 2013 (-9.4%), followed by construction, where unemployment fell by 86,400 people (-22.3%); industry, with 53,100 fewer unemployed (-18%), and agriculture, where unemployment fell by 19,000 people (-7.1%).

The fall in activity was also felt mainly among men. At the end of 2013, there were 56,100 fewer women than in 2012 in a position to work (-0.5%), bringing the female activity rate to 53.31%, one tenth less than in 2012. Among men, the activity rate fell by 211,800 persons during the past year, 1.7%, to 65.90%, six tenths less than at the end of 2012.

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Ine espana

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Population of Spain by province

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