Llei 10 2010 de 28 d abril

April Come She Will (from The Concert in Central Park)

Eurofound aims to keep this information up to date and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, Eurofound accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information in this database. This information is:

Research carried out prior to the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union on 31 January 2020, and published subsequently, may include data relating to the 28 EU Member States. Following this date, research only takes into account the 27 EU Member States (EU28 minus the UK), unless specified otherwise.

Law 10/1997, of April 24, 1997, on information and consultation rights of workers in companies and groups of companies with a community dimension; Workers’ Statute (ET); Law 12/2001 of July 9, 2001, on urgent measures for the reform of the labor market to increase employment and improve its quality; Royal Decree 801/2011, of June 10, approving the Regulation of employment regulation procedures and administrative action on collective transfers; Law 3/2012, of July 6, on urgent measures for the reform of the labor market; Royal Decree Law 11/2013 for the protection of part-time workers and other urgent measures in the economic and social order.

Ple Ordinari Ajuntament de Meliana 28-05-2020

After the celebration of the first democratic elections, an assembly of Galician parliamentarians approved in October 1977 a text that served as the basis of the pre-autonomous regime for Galicia. This text was negotiated with government representatives and ended up being embodied in the RD Law 7/1978 of March 16, 1978, which established the Xunta de Galicia, as a provisional body of Galicia, which will act while the pre-autonomous phase lasts and the constitution and the subsequent Statute of Autonomy are not approved.

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This pre-autonomous regime was intended to satisfy the desire to have its own institutions, being aware that it did not condition the future constitutional text nor did it oblige the future Statute of Autonomy, which was yet to come, to exist. The text was aware of its provisional and “minimal” nature, in such a way that it postponed the regulation of essential aspects of autonomy to the moment of the Statute.

The presidency of the Xunta de Galicia fell to the deputy Antonio Rosón Pérez, who was elected from within the Xunta itself. The powers exercised by the pre-autonomous Xunta were mainly related to aspects of self-organization, relations with the provincial councils, management of functions and services transferred and powers of proposal to the state government on measures affecting Galician interests.

LICEY VS Estrellas Orientales, 2021-2022. 29/10/2021

Efectivamente, el riesgo de penetración de importantes sectores del sistema financiero por parte de organizaciones criminales, que no daban respuesta adecuada a los instrumentos existentes, dio lugar a una política de El hecho más importante fue la creación en 1989 del Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional (GAFI). Las Recomendaciones del GAFI, adoptadas en 1990, pronto se convirtieron en la norma internacional en este ámbito, constituyendo la inspiración directa de la primera Directiva comunitaria (Directiva 91 /308/CEE del Consejo, de 10 de junio de) 1991).

Sin embargo, el conocimiento más profundo de las técnicas utilizadas por las redes de blanqueo de capitales, así como la evolución natural de una política pública tan reciente, han provocado en los últimos años una serie de cambios en las normas internacionales y, en consecuencia, en el Derecho comunitario.

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En este contexto, la presente Ley transpone la Directiva 2005 /60/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 26 de octubre de 2005, relativa a la prevención de la utilización del sistema financiero para el blanqueo de capitales y para la financiación del terrorismo, desarrollada por la Directiva 2006 /70/CE de la Comisión, de 1 de agosto de 2006, por la que se establecen disposiciones de aplicación de la Directiva 2005 /60/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo en lo relativo a la definición de “personas del medio político” y a los criterios técnicos aplicables en los procedimientos de diligencia debida simplificada con respecto al cliente, así como para la exención por razones de actividad financiera ocasional o muy limitada, además de establecer el régimen sancionador del Reglamento (CE) nº 1781/2006 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 15 de noviembre de 2006, relativo a la información sobre los ordenantes que acompaña a las transferencias de fondos.

Ple Ordinari Ajuntament de Meliana 25 de novembre 2021

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05-26-2022Press Conference given by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of GuatemalaPress Conference given by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of GuatemalaPress Conference given by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of GuatemalaPress Conference given by Mr. Sergio Recinos, President of the Monetary Board and of the Bank of Guatemala

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