Test oposiciones ayudante instituciones penitenciarias


The oppositions of assistant of penitentiary institutions belong to group C1 and allow once approved access to a stable and well paid position as a civil servant. The prison officer currently has a monthly salary of approximately 1,700 € which makes the opposition places in a good job to achieve social stability.

The functions of the Penitentiary Institutions Assistant are the re-education and social reintegration of sentenced prisoners, as well as the retention and custody of detainees, prisoners and convicts, and the social assistance of inmates, released prisoners and their families.

The first exercise is an evaluation of the aptitude of the candidate. Once this part has been passed, the candidate will take a second one, which consists of answering 125 questions in a multiple-choice test. In the second exercise, he/she will have to solve 10 practical cases. Once the two exercises have been successfully passed, a final medical examination will be carried out.

Test oposiciones ayudante instituciones penitenciarias 2021

The Corps of Penitentiary Institution Assistants was created by Law 36/1977, of May 23, providing in Article 1, “the Corps of Penitentiary Institution Assistants will be made up of civil servants, guaranteeing access to it under the terms defined in the Organic Law for the effective equality of women and men”.

In principle it was divided into two scales, male and female, from the O.L. 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men are unified the two scales in a single one. “The current male and female scales of the Corps of Penitentiary Institution Assistants are extinguished and their officials are integrated in their entirety into the Corps of Penitentiary Institution Assistants”.

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3. Mixed Area: They perform tasks in areas of intervention, so they perform tasks of surveillance and control of inmates, with activities of bureaucratic and administrative type, perform tasks such as clothing services, food, commissary …

Test oposiciones ayudante instituciones penitenciarias online

Being a prison officer will offer you a job, a stable job with the job stability that a prison competition offers.  The preparation of the oppositions of prisons, is a job where the goal is to be better than the rest of opponents, we offer you not only a very good agenda but also something that is worth much more.

You will be able to memorize in much less time by extending your memory time.    You will even be able to learn material (such as penalties) that other candidates are unable to learn. Our whole method offers you the guarantee of being able to get 15 or 20 questions more correct in the prison exam. The job of being an opponent is hard work if you do not know how to manage it and do not have a method. With us the task is going to be easier and you will pass the prison civil service exams, Cuerpo de Ayudantes de Instituciones Penitenciarias in less time.

The approximate salary earned by an official of the Corps of Penitentiary Institutions Assistants is about 1,750 euros, although it depends on the position you develop and also the category that has the penitentiary center.

Test oposiciones ayudante instituciones penitenciarias del momento

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